Monday, July 20, 2009


This past weekend my cousin Amy got married! I posted some photos from the wedding after some some sailing pictures (obligatory this summer). After the 9-10 hour drive down there...departure time 6 am...we arrived in Jackson, Tennessee, Mom, Dad, Aunt Brenda, and I. We had to leave early from Fort Wayne so that I could get to the rehearsal dinner. Saturday we all hung out, ate lunch near the hotel, and got to the church early for photos. After watching the "I do's," and the reception, some of us camped out in the hotel lobby and visited over delivery pizza. Larry brought over Mauricio, a college student from Peru staying with Debra and Larry for the summer; it was nice to talk to someone a bit in Spanish after 3 weeks away. He did quite a good imitation of a Spanish accent from Spain; that tickled my funny bone. Sunday morning, not quite so bright and early, our car load headed back north, making pretty good time again. It was really good to see Kevin, Libby, Kyle and Mary Kate, whom I hadn't seen in a few years. I'm sorry to say that little Elijah probably stole the show during much of the time before and after the wedding. Or maybe not sorry. He's pretty cute, even when he's busy making "presents" for his parents.


El sábado, se casó mi prima Amy. Colgué algunas fotos de la boda, aunque primero hay fotos de que sacó mi madre de mi padre y yo en barco de vela. Después de conducir 9-10 horas del norte de Indiana hasta el oeste de Tennessee habiendo salido de casa a las 6 de la mañana, llegamos al hotel en Jackson, Tennessee. Fuimos 4, mi tía Brenda, mi padre, madre, y yo. No me gustó salir tan temprano, pero había una cena el día antes de la boda a que estaba invitado. El sábado, pasamos la mañana con familia cerca del hotel y llegamos temprano a la iglesia para las fotos. Después de la ceremonia y la recepción, nos reunimos algunos en el vestíbulo del hotel y hablamos mientras comíamos pizza. Vino un estudiante de Perú que está viviendo con mis tíos durante el verano porque no podía ir a casa ni encontrar trabajo. Estaba bien hablar con alguién en español. Hizo una imitación buena del accento español. Me hizo gracia. Domingo por la mañana, no tan temprano como antes, entramos de mala gana en el coche otra vez para ir al norte. Me gustó mucho ver a mis tíos Kevin y Libby y mis primos Kyle y Mary Kate, quienes no había visto en unos años. Siento decir que el bebé Elijah (mi primo-segundo...después de primo, me confundo mucho) robó mucha atención antes y después de la boda. Bueno, quiza no lo siento tanto. Es muy precioso, aún cuando está haciendo "regalos" para sus padres. Eso no me molesta porque no es mi niño!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Zoo (figurative and literal)?

Got back fine from Madrid, though I did have to run to catch my flight from London to Chicago due to my previous flight's delay. Sonny picked me up from the airport, and not very long after, Linda, Sonny, and I went over to see baby Elijah, Kelly, and BJ. He's so cute!

Friday, the three of us headed up to Coldwater Lake to join others in celebrating the Fourth. (just joking about the family gathering being a was pretty relaxing) It was good to see the family. Especially since I missed everyone at Christmas! I got some really good sailing in with Uncle Brad, making a good start to the weekend. And endured the good-natured question marathon from the rest of the family. :) Greg, Garret, Mariel, Doug, and Eric all came. Most people left Saturday, and Greg left Sunday morning. Monday afternoon Mom, Dad, and I took Colin up to Calvin to start his 6-week summer classes, the one that he's going over to Germany with. We heard from him; he's enjoying Bremen a lot and dreaming up travel plans for his one free weekend. Anyone know anything about Vienna?

Fourth of July

This past Friday, Mom, Dad, and I went to see the new African Safari exhibit at the zoo. It was very worthwhile. There were misty sprays at the beginning, which, apart from the animals, was a highlight on the hot day.

Fort Wayne Zoo

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Back to the States

In less than 24 hours by the clock, and not much more in reality, I'll be in Chicago with Aunt Linda and her husband Sonny. It seems like a world so far away, yet each minute getting closer. The two worlds I've been living in have been becoming less separate than they used to be, even though it still usually feels as if I interrupt living in one to live in the other, at times they are continuous and each one continuously bleeds into the other. Anyway, tomorrow I'll be in Chicago. Friday I should be in Michigan with a lot of family to celebrate the Fourth of July, and after the holiday weekend, I'll be back in Fort Wayne. I'm looking forward to this summer seeing friends and family, almost three months spend before I head back to Madrid in September. I'll be seeing a lot of you soon!!