Saturday, April 14, 2012

Resolutions Month 3

Here comes April's update. A little late, but at least it's still April!

  • About a month ago my provisional teaching license from Illinois arrived, which means I can legally teach in Illinois schools as long as I finish the requirements I'm missing by June 2014. Those requirements are some college classes and a few standardized tests. I can see these next few years to be busy. Or perhaps I'll be able to do the studies over the summers. I've applied for some school systems and keep adding more, edging further out of the city. As a side note, who would know that school system applications could take about 4 hours each???
  • Oops.
  • Spring break should have been a time for lots of reading and prayer since we didn't go on vacation. Have I mentioned that I'm highly distractible? I continue to enjoy the journaling and learning with God. I'll post something from my journal soon.
  • Still reading Matthew. :)
  • And the blog...nope...not once a week.
  • I got to talk to Colin this week. :) He's getting married in December!
  • Writing friends...about the same. However, I am getting faster at replying to emails.
  • Although I am convinced that my daily commute counts as my daily exercise quotient, this week I've done a half hour in Wii-Fit  two times. I love the games, though the music is a little annoying.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Puzzle Making

My mom is an expert puzzle-er. Puzzle-maker? Puzzler? 

Never mind. My mom is awesome at putting puzzles together. She is not only skilled, she could write a manual on how one must put puzzles together.

1. Take out all of the edge pieces. Proceed to connect them.
2. Make sure all of the pieces are face up and separate by colors.
4. Fight over the pieces.
5. Whoever approach the puzzle table must put together at least 10 pieces.

Tamy and I didn't exactly follow Mom's instructions, but we're doing pretty well. I have been told that under no uncertain circumstances may I undo the puzzle once we've finished. We'll give it to a friend's mom to hang on the wall, because I have no idea what I'd do with a finished puzzle that I'm not allowed to put back in the box.