Friday, May 7, 2010

Youth Retreat

Two weekends ago we we went on a youth retreat, focusing on the parable of the Prodigal Son, focusing on each of the three persons in the parable. This is first time that I've gotten to see some of the inner riggings of doing a camp or retreat. A few weeks before the event, leadership from the two youth groups organizing the retreat met in Canillejas to discuss the schedule and assign jobs. Before that, the leaders from Canillejas had found the site for the camp, the dates, and had more or less planned out the structure. We had someone in charge of games, people from within the youth groups doing the three sermons, someone for transportation, someone to lead a skit, etc. My responsibilities were making creative prayer stations for use during free time, helping to lead a small group discussion after each sermon, and tending to the fire when we had worship down by the fire pit.

The small group was a good experience, if slightly frustrating. The group was 13/14 year olds, and they didn't have much they wanted to share. Sometimes I felt like we were pulling teeth. But there were some good moments as well, and I am glad that I could be there.

The best part, for me, about the retreat was being able to disconnect from my normal life and stresses (like looking for work next year) and relax in nature and with other people. During free time I played baseball (no one knew the rules except me!), walked to a Roman bridge with a large group of girls, and took time to relax mentally.

Isma was at missions conferences at his church, and it was strange to not have him there, since every time I'd been to the site before, he's been there. He was able to join us Sunday after breakfast with two high school girls from the youth group.

Sunday was an interesting day, a day where people shared what God had been pushing them toward during the weekend. From the sharing time, I can tell that is was a good weekend of deepening their relationship with God for the youth group. It was good to see their hearts and see the open doors for more work now.


  1. baseball rules? did you use the rules you mom taught you like running the bases to the left, ha ha ha! dad

  2. hahaha. no...the real rules. Like touching the bases instead of just passing near it. Someone called me out when they caught the ball that bounced off the ground. And the idea of 3 outs and then switching teams. It's a good thing Mr. Presley was passing by so Colin and I would know which way the bases really go!! :)
