Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's your name?

His name is Juan, my name is Erica and DON'T YOU FORGET IT.
That's the rhyme I'm teaching the second graders, but I'm still forgetting!
This Monday started the first week with my classes instead of initial evaluations of the kids and preparation, like I was doing before. Twelve kids at a time line up and file into my tiny classroom to play games, get yelled at for talking out of turn, and listen to phonics on the computer. This week also begins an overwhelming endeavor: learning over 200 names. As my mom said, I think that seating charts are in order. Not to control the kids...but to control where the names sit! (Sara is in the right corner...ok...) I was smart and had the third graders make name tags. Hopefully I'll memorize their names quickly and will be able to disuse of the labels.

I have also discovered that I need to give the kids lessons in using the computer, following directions, and being nice. Let's see how I do that all in English for Spanish speakers. I am very proud of myself, though. I have not used Spanish with the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd graders one bit. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Rhyme? Maybe prose, but really, anything in singsong will help the memory. Mom
