Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year

2011 has come to an end, and 2012 is now a week old. I remember when Colin, Mom, Dad and I used to sit down around the kitchen table and tell our New Year's Resolutions while Mom wrote them down on a steno-pad. I think I promised to stop chewing my nails (check), stop hiding to read when I wasn't supposed to (pretty much, check), and read my Bible more (back-slid, uncheck).

After that year, I don't remember making resolutions. But thinking back at the past year and now looking forward to the one to come, I don't think it would be a bad idea to have some goals (and some eyes reading this to perhaps keep me a bit more on track).

This past year was consumed by wedding planning: the dress, the ceremony, the premarital counseling, the trying not to go crazy. Then the wedding itself, the honeymoon, and the first months of marriage getting used to living with the man I've decided to spend my life with. (yes!) That being said, this next year may be a year of many changes as well, so here's what I want to look forward to in 2012 (in no particular order):

  • Have a new teaching job in Chicago

  • Get photos out to everyone in the wedding photos

  • Pray more fervently

  • Create a devotional routine

  • Write at least one blog entry a week

  • Call my family more

  • Call or write my friends more

  • Start an exercise routine

Here goes!


  1. Isma applied for Moody Bible Institute (4 year-undergrad) in Chicago. We'll find out in a few weeks if he gets in. So, if he does, yes we are!
