Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jazz and Roadkill

Roadkill is normal to Americans...we have so many animals that they just can't stay out off the roads. And so, squish, pancakes. But here, there aren't as many animals, at least that I can see, and I had yet to see any roadkill until last night. After a night in the city with friends, my friend Isma was dropping me off at home when we saw it. Sadly, the dead animal was a kitten. Not even a wild animal! While we were outside the car talking (dropping people off can take a long time), I think two more people ran over the poor cat. In between searching for Orion and different stars (me trying to imagine the names in English), the roadkill was an interesting side topic. Sorry, no picture of this interesting part of my life.

Earlier in the evening, Isma, Kristen (another language auxiliar that is in the photos from English camp), and I set out for Madrid to listen to a jazz concert. The three of us went to a bar first to pass the time, and ate some delicious cheese cake. Then, we met another American, Karin (Karina in Spanish), for the concert. It was buenisimo. There were two groups: Carita Boronska Quintet from Denmark and an Spanish orchestra called Santiago de la Muela. The quintet's singer had an awesome voice and could scat like none other. The guitar player was blind and played wonderfully. The second act was great too, like big band, led by a guitarist. I especially enjoyed a guest artist's take on "I couldn't ask for anything more" by Gershwin. It was enjoyable to hear original jazz music and relax for the night. I think I enjoyed the first group the most, since I was half asleep by the end of the concert. Still haven't quite beaten this cold I have.

Today, another lazy day. Cleaning, sewing on buttons and mending clothes, drawing clouds in the park, grocery shopping, and making a wonderful curry lentil soup. And, of course, writing to you all. Today I've also set time aside to study Spanish. I'm learning a lot of Spanish phrases from reading photo comments on facebook. Some really strange things, that thankfully Isma, who speaks English, helps me translate. Like this: estoy mazo grillo. I'm a mallet cricket (literally). Actually, it means "I'm so crazy." Languages are so intriguing and infuriating at the same time.


  1. You should feel fortunate that there are no pictures of the roadkill episode because my camera decided to go on strike (Spanish cam as you may have guessed).
    Still poor kitten. It will never be forgotten.

  2. I'm passing the unique sayings on to a woman I work with who is taking spanish classes. She'll like the new one. What about the early Thanksgiving celebration you were going to have? The jazz evening sounds fun and relaxing. Love,
