Saturday, November 8, 2008


Every once in awhile I hear a phrase in Spanish that is so wonderful, I say...this should exist in English too. But, of course it doesn't, so I'm forced to share it with you in translation instead. Here are some Spanish/Spanish language phrases I like.

Madre de los caramelos!! Mother of the candies!
--used like "Oh my goodness!"

Hijo de la mazorca! Son of a corncob! José's phrase...means the same thing as the first one.

Estoy hecho polvo. I'm made dust I'm exhausted.

Tengo ganas... I feel like doing... Except it sounds way cooler in Spanish.

Entre algodones between cotton (sheets? Refers to sheltered kids.


  1. I love those sayings. Keep sending more as you hear them. Son of a corn cob is my favorite.

  2. Even though "son of a corn cob" might just be a phrase that only Jose (Arielle's Jose) says.

  3. Hola, mi prima! It is raining here in Jackson and has been for a few days. There are leaves covering my yard that I can't do anything about until the weather clears. Joe and I went to look at wedding bands last night. I love you! --Amy
