Saturday, January 31, 2009

Grumpiness and relaxation

Yesterday I was a grump, so today it was good to relax. After getting back from ECA, I saw Siete Almas (Seven Pounds) with some friends. Interesting movie, though one that left me in a somber mood.

Today has been a quiet day full of cooking, cleaning, taking a walk, writing a letter, and putting some things in order. A friend came over to eat chili and cornbread with me, and then stayed to do some work. It's very nice to be with someone, without talking much, just to be.

This evening I'm getting ready for sharing a thought in church tomorrow since we have "culto libre," an open service with no prepared sermon. The youth are leading it this week. I'm very intimidated, but it will be fine I'm sure. What are they going to do? Eat me or something?

I was looking over the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette and saw this article about a Bible class for adults with special needs. It is wonderful to see God working in this group's lives.

1 comment:

  1. Well, now you have to tell us how it went Sunday? Even if your tongue got twisted when the time came to actually speak, I'm sure the preparation leading up to speaking, ie the reflection you did between you and God was valuable.
    Love, Mom
