Saturday, January 17, 2009

We Three Kings of Orient are...

January 6th was El Día de los Reyes, where in Spain the children receive presents from the three kings. The kids leave treats for the wise men, instead of for Santa. Now, lots of families give gifts on Christmas too, from Santa, but that's an imported tradition. The day before the holiday, there is a cabalgata, or parade, where people riding on floats throw hard candies at the spectators. I went with some friends to see the cabalgata in San Fernando, the town where I go to youth group. The church took part in the parade, equipping a Nativity themed float with people and decorations.

On the day of the holiday, I went with Tamy, Eva, and their family to her brother, Moises's house in Ciempozuelos, some distance on the other side of Madrid. It was nice to be invited, especially since the hosts hadn't met me before. The food was so good. Their sister-in-law baked, American style, one of the best turkeys that I have ever had. They carved it and took out the stuffing in front of us. After awhile we drank Spanish hot chocolate and ate roscón...there's a picture of it in my photos. The sister-in-law is an expert on law pertaining to foreigners in Spain, so I know where to turn if I am in a big jam. She is also quite pregnant, and we spent a lot of time oohing and ahhing over cute baby clothes, crib, and other like items. We spent the afternoon playing video Trivial Pursuit and Parcheesi (Parchís in Spanish). I suffered during that one...Tamy's brother and her mom, Loli, kept attacking my pieces! All in all, I would say that it was my best Tres Reyes celebration ever, albeit my only.

Photos! All are from the 6th, half from with Tamy's family, part from a get-together with friends in the evening in San Fernando.


  1. Is the sister-in-law American? I just thought maybe because you said they cooked the turkey American style and maybe she knew about the law because she had need because of personal situations. Also, the comment on the day before I forgot to sign, the second one is from me also.

  2. Nope, she's Spanish. She's an expert on the law because she studied law.
