Monday, January 11, 2010

A la Vuelta

I've been back in Madrid for about a week now; today was to have been my first day back at work. However, due to snow last night and into the wee hours, the government cancelled classes in the public schools, though the kids still could go to school. Huh? I was one confused girl about 7:15 this morning, trying to decide whether I was supposed to go to work or not. Luckily, I was able to get ahold of Rosa and she told me to not bother coming in for the half day I work today. I suppose that tomorrow everything will be back to normal and I can give the books I got for my class to Rosa and the kids.

I know that I haven't written a lot about my trip home, or put up pictures. Mom has the pictures held ransom, so those will come later. (just kidding Mom) I do have some pictures of my adorable brother though!

Driving home from Lafayette

Same old, same old: stealing my money, taking up all of the relaxing room on the bed, stealing my pen, and teasing me about it. Did I say I minded? Well, he did give me the money back. And if he hadn't, I can always threaten to tickle him.

Here's a "quick" list of my almost 3 week stay at home:
-Christmas with the Vances (Rick, Pam, Shannon, and Brandon): Shannon played photographer and took this photo of us that Mom used for the Christmas cards.

-Sleepover with Arielle and the girls. Outdoor hot tub + snow = kind of crazy but fun. Arielle fell asleep and I ended up talking to her
husband, José, for awhile. Then pancakes, hot chocolate, and "The Office" in the morning
-Making Christmas cards
-Visit with Ana at Borders
-Shopping with Justine at Glenbrook Mall and a long talk about everything from A-Z over Sbarro's pizza. Spent a long time looking at calendars and gourmet food.
-Christmas Eve at church and then early to bed to wait for Santa Claus
-Christmas!! Cinnamon rolls, scavenger hunt with Colin, blindly guessing what the gifts were (I said a light-up Christmas sweater for teachers, but didn't get one. I think I'll live)
-Christmas in Michigan and visit with wonderful and brainy cousins (and with whom I share a slight eccentricity)
-Isma coming!!

-Lots of card games and Sequence. The new one for this year is Rook. Barely any euchre, which is odd.
-Tour of Fort Wayne for Isma's benefit
-Attempt to go skiing at Pokagon and subsequent fail when I got sick (or passed out would be more accurate)
-Sad farewell to parents at the airport and time relaxing before in the new airport
-First plane trip to Spain with company! (much better this way, I must say)

I've spent the last week trying to get over jet-lag and relaxing. The only time I went out was last Friday. Right now is the "rebajas," the sales in Spain that last from January - March. I went with Tamy and Sara, which was fun but not something I think I need to repeat soon. So many people!! We waited in one line to pay 30 minutes. At least. The best part was probably the conversations we had in that same line and eating supper with Sara's husband, Angel, when he joined us after
getting of work.


  1. OK, OK. I guess I forgot. I'm uploading now, then will need to edit a bit maybe, then will send a link and maybe also attach to an e-mail. Love, Mom

  2. I'm so sad I missed you while you were here! I'm glad you had a good time and Isma was able to visit. Love you!! - Naila
