Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It's 9 PM and I'm sipping piping hot herbal mint tea, snuggled up in warm flannel pajamas and an overgrown knit sweater, eating Junior Mints with peppermint crunches. I don't think that I've ever fully appreciated the wonder of peppermint before. It tastes like home and Christmas: delicious. A wonderful way to unwind after my longest work day of the week. Out the door at 7:40, back in at 7:30. It's been a long day, yet a pleasant day. Hugs, kisses, "Happy New Years" and everything else that greets people returning to work after Christmas break. One of the girls hugged me tight when I came in the door (20 minutes late...thank-you broken down trains) and told me I was her favorite teacher. In English. Though quite possibly, she told the rest of the teachers that as well. I don't care. Today I feel loved and we'll leave it at that.


  1. They should have a thing we can punch, like on facebook, that says "like this". This was a nice picture of happy. Glad you are feeling good and had a good day.
    Love, Mom

  2. Peppermint reminds me of Christmas too. I think it has to do with the Collins family cookies.

  3. Mom: :), Kelly: You know, that is probably true. And because of candy canes. mmmm.

  4. I FINALLY placed my Spain pictures in a photo album. It took me a while to find the perfect album. Now, I have to go back and add some written comments. I love you! --Amy
