Isma LOVES croquetas. For him, these dough and meat concoctions are only comparable to his mother's paella, callos (another food from Madrid), and stuffed peppers. Around his birthday, Isma decided to try making croquetas. Before we'd only bought them frozen or eaten what his mom made us. Here's the recipe! Isma added some pepper to make them more flavorful.
2 tablespoons oil Filling: shrimp, shredded fish,
40 grams butter shredded chicken,
6 tablespoons flour 2 hard boiled eggs, or ham
3/4 liters cold milk
2 eggs
1 liter cheap oil
bread crumbs
In a frying pan, let the oil and butter melt. When everything is hot, add the flour and stir it a few times with a wooden spoon. Little by little, pour the milk in, letting the mixture boil until it thickens. At this point, mix in the filling. Let the mixture cool for at least 2 hours.
After it is cool, mold the croquetas to the size and shape you want. Then, in a bowl, beat the two eggs. Dip each croqueta in the eggs, then in the breadcrumbs, again in the egg, and again in the breadcrumbs.
Fill the frying pan with 1 liter of oil, and when it is hot (I wonder what temperature, silly cookbook), put the croquetas in, about 6 at a time. When they are golden, take them out and serve!
Bubbling croquetas (croquettes) in oil. |
Ready to eat. |
They were delicious! |
Next time invite us. I've never tasted these!